Business disputes & other loss of profits
Business disputes often revolve around a contentious event, which results in one or more parties suffering a consequential loss of profits. There are also other matters which may result in a loss of profits. Rushtons are experienced in assessing and quantifying a consequential loss of profits. A loss of profits claim can arise in a number of situations, including but not limited to:
- Contractual disputes (including breach of contract)
- Shareholder disputes
- Business interruption claims
- Personal injury and fatal accident claims
- Professional negligence claims
We can assist at any stage of the dispute life cycle, from initial assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of a potential claim and likelihood of a potential counterclaim to preparation of an expert report on the quantum of the claim for use in court proceedings.
We have acted for both claimants and defendants in the context of business disputes. We are instructed in either an advisory or expert capacity, to understand the facts and figures behind a loss of profits claim and prepare robust calculations to assist with quantification of the claim.
We are usually engaged via a party’s advising solicitors during the dispute process but may also be engaged directly by the end client to provide initial advice.
We are familiar with the requirements of the Civil Procedure Rules and related Practice Directions in relation to the provision of expert evidence.
Rushtons is a member of the NIFA network of independent forensic accountants.